Verkle Trie 从 0 到 1




  1. How to store multiple files remotely and know that those files haven’t been changed?

  2. Given a starting 𝑥, compute 𝑥↦𝑥^3+5, and repeat that 1 million times. How to prove to someone I computed this, and did so correctly - without he having to re-run the whole thing.

    Suppose our starting number is 𝑥=2.
    - x^2 = 4
    - x^3 = x^2 * x = 4 * 2 = 8
    - X^3 + 5 = 13
    So our trace is {2, 4, 8, 13, ...}
    we will produce 3,000,001 numbers in computing the circuit.

→ How can we verify integrity of a vector of elements?

Solution 1: Single file hashing

For single file, we can use secure hash functions:


So a simple scheme for verifying file integrity: hash each file and save the store the hash locally.


Problem: has to store n hashes → we need constant-sized digest

Solution 2: Merkle Trees

Merkle tree

  • the root is the digest, it is constant sized


  • use merkle proof to verify if the files have been changed.



Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 10.21.39.png

Problem: Many small files ⇒ Merkle proofs too large

Solution 3: q-ary Merkle Trees

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.20.51.png

problem: Proof size is even bigger

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.22.31.png

proof size:

Solution 4: polynomial commitment

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.41.06.png

What is polynomial commitments?

  1. 将长度为 的 vector 转换为多项式的点值

  2. 将唯一对应的 的多项式 ,生成为Commitment→ 拉格朗日插值

    • Lagrange Interpolation


      • Degree

      Encoding data into Polynomial using Lagrange Interpolation

      Given , build a polynomial such that and degree is


      • Given (0, 3), (1, 6), we have

      (2, 9), (3, 12), (4, 15). Suppose, given (1,6) and (3,12)

      n encode to m (m > n), n-of-m data can recover the polynomial exactly!

  3. Open 其中的一个点,提供一个 Proof 证明点值符合多项式

STUART → (1, 83), (2, 84), …, (6, 84) → f(x) → choose (4.5, 69.5) as commitment

KZG polynomial commitment

Knowledge -> Point-Values -> Coefficients -> Commitment -> Open&Prove&Verify
                         FFT             MSM
                                    Trusted Setup

FFT: Fast Furious Transform

MSM: multi-scalar multiplication

  1. KZG Commitment 是 Polynomial Commitment 的一种算法实现

    • Elliptic curves + discrete logarithm problem

      Encoding Polynomial in a finite field , q is prime:

      Polynomial on an elliptic curve


      • can be computed very fast
      • , given and , it is very hard to find (it is called discrete logarithm algorithm)
      • mod 7:
        • 1 mod 7, 8 mod 7, 15 mod 7,….
        • [n] mod 7 = 1 mod 7?

    • Trusted setup

      Now we have secret such that

      • Nobody knows (private key of the “god”)
      • , is known to everybody (”god”’s public key)

      Then, we have the commitment as

      Finding another such that is almost impossible

    • Elliptic curves pairings

      Find two elliptic curves, such that

      Given , want to prove ,

      3x+3 given data points( 1, 6), (4,2)

      where is the proof (48 bytes as a point on an elliptic curve)

      Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 13.51.25.png

  2. Polynomial Commitment 的其他实现

    1. KZG:PLONK、Marlin
    2. FRI:zkSTARK
    3. IPA:Bulletproof
    4. IPA + Halo-style aggregation:Halo 2

  3. KZG Commitment的优缺点

    1. 缺点:需要Trusted Setup
    2. 优点:proof 长度短且恒定

Solution 5: Verkle trie

Replace Hash Functions in q-ary Merkle tree with Vector commitment Schemes → Verkle Trie

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 13.08.29.png

Performance comparison:


Verkle Trees let us trade off proof-size vs. construction time.

Verkle tree structure in Ethereum

MPT(Merkle Patricia Trie) problem

Ethereum has a total of four trees:

  • the World State Trie
  • Receipts Trie
  • Transaction Trie
  • Account Storage Trie



MPT is 2-layer structure (Tree-inside-a-tree)

  • Complexity
  • Imbalance
  • Difficulty in understanding interactions between mechanisms such as state expiration

Vitalik has proposed a single-layer structure.


maps data to a 32-byte single key at all locations within the state:

eg. (address, storage_slot)(address, NONCE)(address, balance),…

values sharing the first 31 bytes of the key are included in the same bottom-layer commitment.


Tree key

  • 32 bytes

  • consisting of a 31-byte stem and a 1-byte suffix. The suffix allows for distinguishing the state information (account header data, code, storage) stored by the Tree Key.

  • 31-byte stem: pedersen_hash

    def get_tree_key(address: Address32, tree_index: int, sub_index: int):
        # Asssumes VERKLE_NODE_WIDTH = 256
        return (
            pedersen_hash(address + tree_index.to_bytes(32, 'little'))[:31] +


verkle tree structure:


Inner Node & Suffix Node(extension node)

Suffix Node

suffix node structure:


  • 1: A marker for the suffix node, which is 1 on the elliptic curve but does not literally mean the number 1.
  • Stem: The stem refers to the stem in the tree key.
  • C1, C2: Are Pedersen Commitments.
C = Commit(1, C1, Stem, C2)

C1 and C2 commitment take the data form:


  • The reason for this division is that the creation of Pedersen Commitment is limited to committing up to 256 values of maximum 253-bit size, and for 256-bit values, data loss occurs.
  • Process of storing 32-byte data under a tree key:
    1. Depending on the suffix, the data become v0, v1… v255

    2. v0~v127 are included in C1, and v128~v255 are included in C2 to calculate the leaf node’s commitment

    3. For C1, each 32-byte value of v0~v127 is divided into the upper 16 bytes (v1,0) and the lower 16 bytes (v1, 1) to serve as coefficients in a polynomial.

      → each coefficient’s data being 16 bytes (128-bit)

    4. 256-degree polynomial is committed:

      • C1 = commit([(v0,0), (v0,1), (v1,0), (v1,1)…(v127,0),(v127,1)])
      • C2 = commit([(v128,0), (v128,1), (v129,0), (v129,1) … (v255,0),(v255,1)])
    5. C = Commit(1, C1, Stem, C2) → commitment for the leaf node

Inner Node


  • holds the stem value of the tree key and stores 256 pointers to sub-nodes
  • C0, C1 … C255 represent the commitments of sub-nodes, and the inner node contains these commitments.

An example of verkle tree containing 4 tree keys:

  • 0x00..20
  • 0xdefe…64
  • 0xde03a8..02
  • 0xde03a8..ff



  • The Verkle Trie consists of two types of nodes: leaf nodes and inner nodes.
  • A tree key contains a stem and a suffix.
  • The same stem corresponds to the same leaf node.
  • Data is stored differentiated by the suffix of the tree key.
  • The tree key is encoded byte by byte along the path from the root to the leaf node.
  • Data is included in the commitment of the leaf node.

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